Mental Health
A Focus on Culture Does Little to Address Mental Health Needs
TOM Calma and Pat Dudgeon are to be congratulated for their article in Inquirer last week about the need to address the mental health gap between Aboriginal and nonAboriginal Australians.
These distinguished Australians have spoken much about mental health over the years and in
recent times, particularly on the alarming rates of suicide among Aboriginal people a major
concern for all Australians.
Addressing mental health issues for Aboriginal people is a complex puzzle, and no one person
has all the pieces. I am simply adding some more.
Jobs and Education - the Key to Tackling Aboriginal Suicide
ABORIGINAL people have a greater stake in suicide prevention than most because they are disproportionately affected by suicide. They are already more likely to have poorer health, be welfare dependent, and live in unsafe and unclean environments. These problems, along with suicide, are most likely symptoms of a deeper underlying problem.
Suicide is the end of a chain of events. While much attention is given to this final link of the chain, far too little is given to the other links that contribute to suicide.